Multi-Peril Crop Insurance
Multi–Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) insures over 100 crops.
MPCI covers loss of crop yields from all types of natural causes, including, but not limited to:
- Drought
- Excessive moisture
- Freeze
- Disease
- Insects
- Wind
- Hurricane
Choose from several coverage and price levels to manage your risk.
Coverage options include yield protection and price protection to insure against potential loss of revenue, whether due to low yields or changes in market price.
The application deadline for new coverage or changes to existing coverage for Spring Crops is approaching!
Crops covered include, but are not limited to: corn, cotton, grain sorghum, sesame, soybeans, sunflowers.
Spring Deadline: January 30th – March 15th (Depending on the area)
- South Texas: January 31st
- Upper Gulf Coast, Blackland Trail, and Brazos Bottom area: February 15th or 28th, depending on county/crop.
- South Plains and High Plains: March 15th
Fall Deadline: September 30th
Want to learn more about Multi-Peril Crop Insurance? Fill out the form below!