Ag Student of the Week Winners 2023-2024
Lyford High School senior named South Texas Market's Ag Student of the Week - Week 6

I am currently involved with my FFA chapter where I serve as treasurer! I also show rabbits and hogs and compete in prepared public speaking, extemporaneous public speaking, job interview, entomology, livestock judging, chapter conducting, radio broadcasting, soil stewardship, baking show, horticulture, art show, photography, cotton show, shop projects and more. I also volunteer at my county's stock show where we host a Kids Ag Day and Special Show. During Kids Ag Day, I help lead elementary classes around the grounds explaining to them the importance of agriculture and informing them about all the different types of animals. During the Special Show, I help guide students with special needs, giving them the opportunity to show an animal in the ring and let them have that experience.
I currently plan to attend the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.
My career goal is to major in exercise science and become a sports medicine physician and give back to the community. I want to help make a difference in people's lives just as some have done for me. I also plan to volunteer at local stock shows and hope to be a member of my county's board one day to give back to the kids of the community. On top of that, I am a fifth-generation farmer who hopes one day I will help take over the farm from my parents. I want to make a change in my community and be an advocate for agriculture.